Players: 185
Tournaments: 119
Games Played: 1779
Total Appearances: 1999

Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-03-31 10:12
Boom Race Tournament



• 1 worm per player
• Games are best of 1
• S2F - Start to Finish
Get maps here -
- Use the scheme provided.
- Use Boomracing. (Command: /boom)
- When the game starts, remember who had the first turn.
- When and if SD hits, the player who started second still can finish their turn, so both players have completed an equal number of turns. At that point, the player who reached the furthest point wins.
- If you host, your opponent can veto your choice of map and ask for a different or simpler one. Note that if you light up, it means you accepted the offered map, no second thoughts.
- If you plop your own worm, you lose, no rematch.
- In case of a draw, ask the moderator what to do.
- If your opponent doesn't show up or is unresponsive 10 minutes after your pairing was announced - according to the moderator's clock -, you proceed to the next round.
Medal points multiplier for the new system: x 0.4 (12 players)